Ajuntament de Marçà
Plaça de les Arenes, 1
43775 Marçà Tarragona
Opening hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Marçà lies at the foot of the hill of La Miloquera in the south-east of the county, separated from the neighbouring Baix Camp by the Llaberia hills and the mountain of La Mola de Colldejou.
The village has a municipal swimming pool, sports ground, football pitch, playground, social centre, the Lula Pérez-MarçàGiné municipal museum, the Hermann's tortoise visitor and breeding centre, holiday cottages, restaurant, bars, food shop, and a local produce shop.
The main village festivity is held on 15th August in honour of Our Lady. One of the most traditional parts of this is the Espígol, where the children of the village go round the streets throwing lavender. The winter festivity on 27th December is in honour of the patron of Marçà, Our Lady of Sickness. The day before, on 26th December, "Completes" are sung in the church, in a very old ritual dating from the 15th century. Songs are sung in praise of Our Lady and there is also a procession which begins in the early morning and consists only of the men of the village, who go round the streets singing in honour of Our Lady.
The Lula Pérez-MarçàGiné museum of sculpture and painting displays the work of this couple of artists (Marcel·lí Giné 1918-2006), as well as housing an exhibition by local painter Josep Sancho Piqué (Marçà 1872-1959) and some artefacts from Roman times.
The sculptor MarçàGiné was born in Marçà in1918 and worked primarily with terracotta. His work reflects observation of his raw material and the random combinations and qualities to be found in it. In general, they are small pieces that are surprising in their improvisation and acuteness.
Opening hours:
Sundays 11.30am - 1.30pm
Monday to Saturday: call (+34) 663 196 486 to arrange visits
De Dalt, 58
Tel.: (+34) 977 178 000
The parish church of Santa Maria (St. Mary) dates from the 18th century.
The Font dels Tres Batlles (Three Mayors' Spring) is an ideal spot to go for a walk, located in the Mas del Magrinyà woods, 2.5 km from the village.
Other particularly charming spots include:
La Pallisa, a picturesque spot where the Marçà stream bed gets deeper, where the Font de la Palma spring and a picnic area are to be found.
La Miloquera, a hill where prehistoric remains have been unearthed and on which the village used to stand, with many unexplored gulleys; the Xollat caves, the old wash house and spring and other natural areas like the Estret de Catà.
It can be reached by road from Falset on the T-300; from La Torre de Fontaubella on the TV-3001; from Capçanes on the TV-3002 and from Móra la Nova on the N-420 and the T-367. Marçà has an unmanned railway station on the Madrid-Barcelona line, which it shares with Falset.