Climbing is an activity with a long tradition in Catalonia but which has become more popular in recent years - and it's one of the top sports in the Priorat. The limestone and conglomerate rock of the Montsant massif and the Prades mountains is outstanding for climbing as it has plenty of fissures and cracks to provide holds.
Siurana, where the first sport climbing routes were bolted over 30 years ago, is considered a climbing paradise, a place to which climbers flock from all over the world. It's renowned for its old-school vertical, crimpy pitches. Its south-facing cliffs are perfect for climbing most of the year, even in winter.
The number of climbing routes on Montsant have grown significantly in recent years. There are currently about 90 sectors with 1,500 routes identified. They are concentrated where there are conglomerate cliffs over 15-20 metres high, giving routes with grades ranging from 3 to 9a+, most of them close to the villages of Margalef, Cornudella, La Morera de Montsant and Escaladei.
Margalef has become one of the top places in the world for sport climbing. The closeness of the sectors, a Mediterranean climate and above all the vast amount of outstanding rock make these cliffs very popular for most of the year.
Something for everyone can be found here, from beginners up to demanding grade 9 routes.
The vertical walls of the Cingle Major de Montsant and the conglomerate boulders that have fallen down the mountain close to the villages make La Morera de Montsant and Escaladei a highly attractive municipality for all climbing enthusiasts. They boast a wide range of options to climb routes of different grades, both for traditional and sport climbing.
Also worth mentioning as an ideal summer climbing area is the Roca de les Hores, an imposing wall rising above the chapel of Sant Joan del Codolar.