Marcel and Pep have decided to leave the stress of the big city behind them and get lost in WINE COUNTRY. They are going to visit D.O. Conca de Barberà, D.O. Montsant, D.O.Q. Priorat and D.O. Terra Alta. Marcel knows quite a bit about the subject at hand; he’s a true wine aficionado. Pep doesn’t know so much about it; he’s just along for the ride. Want to come along?
You can find their itinerary in tourist information offices in each of the regions. They come in MP3 or CD formats.
Start wherever you want. You’ll see the signs as you follow the route. Take your time, don’t rush. Take in the countryside, rest at viewpoints, stroll through the villages, visit the wine shops and enjoy the unique and exclusive wines.
After this experience, you’ll have a better understanding of our wine culture, the past and present of the regions in southern Catalonia and their people, who have lived for and from the cultivation of vines.
Keep all of your senses on high alert: your eyes to take in the countryside, your ears to gather information, your nose to capture the nuances of nature, and your mouth for tasting the wines,… HAVE A GOOD TRIP!!