Cooperativa de la Bisbal de Montsant

The oil mill was founded in 1951 and is the most important company in the village and centre of the local economy. Cooperative members of the village of La Bisbal de Montsant and neighbouring village of Margalef bring their olives to be pressed using modern equipment which results in the highest quality of olive oil possible.

The irregular shape of the land, cold winters and the Arbequine variety of olive are important factors which help us to make our extra virgin olive oil.



C/ La Palma, 40

977 819 034 / 977 819 010

Oils and characterization

Conventional and integrated production

Montsacer (100 % arbequina olive variety): Conventional and integrated farming. Extra virgin olive oil with an intense green colour, fruity and slightly bitter


Cooperativa de la Bisbal de Montsant
Bisbal de Montsant, la