Ajuntament de Poboleda
C/ Nou, 94
43376 Poboleda Tarragona
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
In the north-west of the Priorat, on the side of a hill on the right bank of the river Siurana, lies Poboleda. The northern part of its municipal area is characterised by the first foothills of the Montsant massif, and the southern part by the north-western slopes of the Molló massif.
Sports ground, swimming pool, hostel-restaurant, country holiday accommodation, holiday apartments, restaurants, campsite, bakery, food shop and wine shop.
The main village festivity is held on 4th and 5th August in honour of St. Dominic, with races, recitals, competitions, dances and traditional games.
On the occasion of Our Lady of August, on 15th and 16th August there is a procession to the chapel of Maria Assumpta.
The second or third Saturday in September sees the Festa del Vi i de la Verema a l’antiga (Wine and old-fashioned grape harvest festival). This celebrates the harvest, with trips to the vineyards, visits to wineries and a wide range of activities.
The church of Sant Pere (St. Peter), also dubbed the cathedral of the Priorat due to its size, dates from the 18th century.
To the west of the village, beside the river Siurana, are the remains of the Molí dels Frares or Molí Draper, formerly owned by the monastery of Scala Dei to serve the wool business set up by the monks. Poboleda was in fact the place where the Carthusian monks lived while their monastery was being built.
Other spots worth mentioning include the Font del Mingot with its spring and picnic area, the chapel of Maria Assumpta with its recreation area and the Casa dels Frares (Friars' House), today the town hall.
The village has several family wineries that can be visited (see visiting times and conditions in Related Content).
It can be reached by road from Falset on the T-710 (via Gratallops to La Vilella Baixa) and then the T-702 (to La Vilella Alta), or by the T-740 to Porrera and then T-702 to Poboleda. From Reus on the N-420 to Les Borges del Camp and then the C-242 as far as La Venta d’en Pubill and then the T-702; from Cornudella de Montsant on the C-242 to La Venta d’en Pubill and then the T-702 to Poboleda itself.