Ajuntament dels Guiamets
C/ Església, 2
43777 Els Guiamets Tarragona
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Thursday: 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Els Guiamets can be found to the south of the county bordering the Ribera d'Ebre county, surrounded by Serra de la Tosseta, el Coll de la Serra and the cliffs of Tivissa and la Serra de Llaberia. the Capçanes stream traverses the village and runs into the Siurana river.
Football pitch, open air swimming pool, hard sports area, camping area near the reservoir, hotel, holiday apartments, restaurant, bakery, and farm shop.
The annual "Festa Major " takes place between the 20th and 25th August in honour of Sant Lluís and Sant Fèlix. The local people dance traditional Catalan dances (sardanes), play traditional music and dance. The village also organises a dance and meal during the "Sants Innocents" (28th December).
Places of interest are the village church dating from the end of the 18th century, the "Font de la Plaça" (fountain) to be found in the "Plaça de Pau Castellví" Square; la Font de la Portadora (fountain), a great place for day trips in the country. The reservoir of Els Guiamets is a place for fishing (with a licence), for camping and "Les Olles", a series of waterfalls and pools in the shape of a saucepan and the Asmà stream.
The village can be reached by road from Falset via the N-420 and the TV-3031; from Móra la Nova via the N-420 and the metalled road 4201; from Capçanes via the road from Guiamets-Capçanes (411) and TV-3031 and from Tivissa and la Serra d’Almos via the TV-3031.