Ajuntament de La Figuera
Plaça de La Vila, 4
43376 La Figuera Tarragona
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
La Figuera is to be found in the Western area of the county. This area is dominated by cliffs and and the Montsant mountain range.
The village has multi-purpose sports ground, multi-purpose hall,a recreational area, municipal swimming pool, an area for camping near Sant Pau hermitage, a holiday apartment, restaurants and a food store.
For Saint Paul's Day on 15th January, the villagers organise a procession up to the hermitage of the same name, where they make a big bonfire and sing religious songs. Sant Isidre is celebrated on 15th May. The "Fiesta Mayor" is the second weekend of August. Amongst other activities, there is a gathering (Aplec) at the hermitage including breakfast for everyone, folk dancing and mass. On 11th November, for Sant Martí, the "forner" "Fiesta Mayor" is celebrated.
There are many places of interest: the church of Saint Martin which dates from the 18th century, the vantage points of Coll dels Solans and el Guixar and Sant Pau.
Both Coll dels Solans and el Guixar vantage points are to be found at 1 km fand Sant Pau hermitage at 2.4km from the village and offer extraordinary views over the central area of the Priorat. On good days, from the hermitage you can see the Pyrenees, the Segre region, the Garrigues region, els Ports mountain range, el Maestrat region and Aragón. In fact, they saying goes that you can contemplate 7provinces (Tarragona, Lleida, Zaragoza, Castellóm, Teruel, Huesca and the Conca de Barberà). Very close to this hermitage is the Military Observatory from which the Battle of the Ebro was planned in early 1938.
Other areas of natural beauty are: Vasques Cave, la Roca Foradada, various paths and tracks for hiking and mountain biking. The Font Vella recreational area still conserves its former washing pools and has supplied the village with water for centuries.
For wine lovers, you can visit some garage wineries.
La Figuera can be reached by the following roads: from Falset via N-420 as far asT-734 (via el Masroig and El Molar) and T-730 as far as La Figuera; from Les Garrigues via C-242 as far as T-713 (via Margalef and La Bisbal de Falset) and T-702 as far as the crossroads with T-714; from Ribera d’Ebre via T-714 (via Torre de l’Espanyol) until T-730 which leads upwards to La Figuera.