The Montsant Mountain Range symbolises the Priorat and the Tarragona region. It is not one of the highest mountains, neither is it the one that stretches the furthest, and yet, the strength of its geography is unquestionable. This mountain range is compact, encircled in a great part by sheer cliffs and rocky areas formed during the Oligocene epoch.
The villages are to be found nestled against its foothills. The central part is a mountainous kingdom. To reach it, you must choose a “grau” that’s to say one of the passes which allow you to scale the cliffs. Some of them are quite easy and broad as they were once used as pack-horse trails to get from one village to another whereas others are just wide enough for a person to pass in single file. They are heart-stoppingly narrow, just about managing to cling on to the hillside.
The spiritual relationship which Man has maintained over the centuries with the Montsant mountain range has afforded it a very special status. The founding of the first Carthusian Priory or monastery of the Iberian peninsular – Scala Dei - and the intense tradition of hermits have lasted to this day. They are proof of the profound symbolic value the mountain holds. The Montsant Natural Park was declared in 2002 by the Catalan government.
For further information about this natural area, please contact:
Parc Natural de la Serra de Montsant
Plaça de la Bassa, 1
43361 La Morera de Montsant
Plaça de la Bassa, 1