Biodynamic farming at La Trullola and oil tasting

Discover our experience

Embark on a sensory voyage with our oil tourism tour among the olive groves of La Trullola. Discover our passion for the world of olive oil with Josep Maria Beltran, who will share with you our philosophy and sustainable farming practices.

You can also experience an exclusive tasting of two oils, at which we'll reveal the secrets of an authentic extra virgin olive oil, highlighting its benefits and unique features.

Let yourself be captivated in a morning that will stimulate all your senses, putting you in touch with nature and the tradition of our beloved organic extra virgin olive oil.

What is included?
  • Visit the property

  • Tasting of 2 organic extra virgin olive oils

Basic Information


Please enquire

1 h 30 min

15 €

Under 12 year olds: free

Advance booking
Advance booking necessary
Adreça de l'activitat

Passeig de l'arbre, 1
el Masroig

Capacitat mínima
2 persones
Capacitat màxima
14 persones
La Trullola és el projecte personal del Josep Maria Beltran, pagès de tota la vida, que neix amb la voluntat de servir oli d’alta qualitat a les famílies. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu treballem amb l’agricultura ecològica i biodinàmica.
616 576 587