Cims de Porrera was born in 1996 out of the restoration of century-old native vines of Porrera (carignan and grenache), growing in slate soils on slopes with a gradient of 40-50%, with an average yield of 300-500 grams of grapes per plant. The initiative was set up together with members of the village cooperative, from whom Cims de Porrera bought grapes with the aim of encouraging young farmers to keep up these prized vineyards (4 hectares of vines between 60 and 105 years old). Annual output is 70,000 bottles.
DOQ Priorat
- Cims de Porrera Clàssic (negre)
- Garnatxa de Cims de Porrera (negre)
- La Coma de Ca l'Antoni Grau (negre)
- Les Cousins "Antagonique" (blanc)
- Les Cousins "Donzell" (rosat)
- Les Cousins "L'inconscient" (negre)
- Les Cousins "Segesse" (negre)
- Les Sentius d'en Joan Bta. Domenech (negre)
- Masos d'en ferran del Tros de Cal Pigat (negre)
- Pastelero de la Maria i en Valentín (negre)
- Vi de Vila Porrera (negre)
- Vi de Vila Porrera (blanc)
· Direct sale at the Cims de Porrera winery (Porrera)
Crta. de Torroja, s/n