A familiar winery with old roots and where respect for nature is reflected in genuine wines with character. Explore a winery surrounded by a sea of vineyards that began to take shape here in 1827 and enjoy a relaxed tour and tasting session.
Camí dels Fontanals, s/n
43730 Falset Tarragona
A selection of 4 wines of:
Lo Petitó de Pascona (young red)
Trencaclosques (rosé)
Pascona Clàssic (aged red)
Maria Ganxa (young red)
La Mare (aged red)
Lo Pare (aged red)
La Germana (white)
Advance booking required at least 2 days in advance
Saturday: 11:30 a.m.
23 June - 4 Sept (exc. 3 - 17 July):
Monday to Sunday: 7:30 p.m.
Closed during the harvest period (Sept./Oct.)
1/1, 6/1, 1/5, 11/9, 25-26/12, 31/12
2 min / 14 max
1h 30 min-2 h
Catalan / Spanish / English
Included in price