This small family company, which has a long wine-making tradition in another region of Catalonia, arrived in Torroja del Priorat in 2004. In 2006, the business in Gratallops was enlarged to include an oil mill. Eleven hectares of land within the municipal boundaries of Gratallops and Poboleda are planted with vines, grown organically.
You need to take a marked path from La Vilella Baixa to get to the cellar.
Des de la Vilella Baixa, cal agafar el camí senyalitzat i seguir-lo durant 1 km
43737 Gratallops Tarragona
Silvestris (aged red)
Gratavinum 2 pir (aged red)
Gratvinum GV5 (aged red)
Oli Gratavinum (extra virgin olive oil)
No need to book
Monday - Friday: 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Bbooking required at least 2 days in advance
afternoons, Saturday + Sunday morning
Open also during the harvest (Sept./Oct.)
1/1, 6/1, Easter Monday, 25-26/12
1 min. / 50 max.
Tasting of 3 red wines and Extra virgin olive oil: 20 €
45 min
Catalan / Spanish / English / French
Cellar visit, walk through the vineyards and tasting of 3 red wines and olive oil, 2 h: 30 €
"Llicorella Tour": 4 x 4 vehicle tour of the vineyards, cellar visit, and tasting of 3 red wines and olive oil, 4 h: 95 €