The winery of Capçanes breaks the mold. In a small village of only 400 people, surrounded by ancient vines, this cooperative is proud of its Catholic tradition, now working harmoniously with the Jewish community. Since 1995 Flor de Primavera, one of the best kosher wines in the world, has been made here under the strict supervision of a Rabi – a complete experience bringing together the mystery of Jewish culture and a unique wine within the walls of the cellar every year. The characteristics of the land, severe but rewarding, are said to be similar to those of its inhabitants who work valiently to show how wines are made in Capçanes: with enthusiasm.
C/ Llaberia, 4
43776 Capçanes Tarragona
A varying selection of 3 wines depending on the day:
Mas Donís (young organic red/white/rosé)
Mas Collet (aged red)
Costers del Gravet (aged red)
Advance booking required at least 2 days in advance
From Monday to Friday in the morning and in the afternoon
Closed during the harvest (Sept./Oct.)
Public Holidays and 31/12 (afternoon)
2 min. / 12 max.
Tour and tasting of 3 wines: you will taste a young wine, a half-aged wine and a crianza wine. Price per person: 15 €
Tour and "4 Grenaches, 4 Soils" tasting: you will taste 4 wines of grenache grapes that have grown on the 4 different types of soil of Montsant (sand, clay, limestone and slate) and you will appreciate how the wines change depending on the soil of origin. Price per person: 20 €
Tour and Kosher tasting: you will taste 2 of our kosher wines, a young rosé and an aged one, the Peraj Ha'abib, the wine that marked our history. Price per person: 25 € (min. 4 people)
Tour and Premium tasting: it is the recommended wine tasting for the gourmets, as you can try our best 3 wines coming from old singular vines. Price per person: 30 € (min. 6 people)
1 h 30 min - 2 h
Catalan / Spanish / English / German
Wine Bar:
Monday - Friday: 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. + 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Public Holidays