Aixalà i Alcait Cellar tries to express all the personality of this land and the production of our vineyards is always organic. From the first bottle of Pardelasses, made in 2005, to today, our winery continues to be the result of an ambition and the beginning of a dream, something that we don’t want to forget and that will continue to be our past, present and future.
C/ Balandra, 43
43737 Torroja del Priorat Tarragona
2 wines depending on the day among:
Destrankis (aged red)
Pardelasses (aged red)
Les Clivelles de Torroja (aged red)
El Coster de l'alzina (aged red)
Advance booking required at least one or two days in advance
Monday to Sunday and public holidays
Closed during the harvest (Sept. / Oct.)
1/1, 6/1, 25-25/12, 31/12
2 min. / 10 max.
1 h 30 min
Catalan / Spanish / English / German
Supplement: + 5 €
Duration: 2 h 30 min