This route is sponsored by the winery Celler Torres in El Lloar
A hiking trail from El Lloar to Damunt Roca via Rogerals, returning via Mas d'en Borràs
Suggestions: This is particularly interesting for the panoramic views it offers of the vineyards and the geological contrast between slate, chalk and limestone soils. It is suitable for all walkers and is recommendable for children. More experienced walkers can continue to the village of La Figuera by following the GR 171 (European Hiking Network Long Trail) signposts and painted way-markers.
Grape farmers have always preferred to have their vineyards close to home, but of course, some are not so lucky. Many El Lloar villagers have worked vineyards in the Damunt Roca area of the village, that's to say the fields above La Figuera hills. The old pack-horse trails which lead here, remind us of the constant bustle of mules loaded with grapes during the harvest, climbing to and fro from the hills to the village in days gone by. People say that some even did the same journey five times in one day.
This trail invites visitors to re-live these ancient ways and is painted with yellow trail markers which are part of the Priorat Hiking Paths Network. The first signpost takes us from the Church square (1) along Carrer del Pla Moré (Pla Moré Street). Cross the main road and continue upwards (2) where you will come to the old royal way which connected El Lloar with La Figuera in the past. This path is also known as the Font de Minfami. Straight away, you will find yourselves amongst vines and the new Torres winery in Priorat will also be clearly visible (3). We come to a crossroads belown the winery and keep straight on (4). Continue along the left hand side of the winery and take the farm track which takes us up the hill. The path gently climbs upwards until we reach the area known as Les Bassetes (5). There are three tracks leading off from the top of the hill. Take the one in the middle where we immediately come to the former pack-horse trail (6).
The path ascends gracefully, clinging to the slopes of red sandstone. Some parts of the path are beautifully cobbled and also marked on either side by more stones. On our left there is an emblematic rock formation known as the Nas d'en Quiuma. Further up there are red sandstone cliffs which then give way to white limestone towards the peaks. At the next signpost (7) the path divides in two. To the left, the path continues on to the Font de Minfami, which is where we will come down on our return. We take the right towards La Figuera until we reach the wide farm track at the top (8). Turn left onto this track and follow the GR 171 towards El Molar. Almost immediately, to our left, there is a small gap between the mountain tops which allows us views of El Lloar and the old Priorat of Palaeozoic slate, dotted all around with vineyards.
The path follows the area known as Damunt Roca and breathes an atmosphere of airiness. The path reaches another crossroads where the one on the right continues on the Font de Minfami trail (9). In front of us, we will see the former path to the Minfami spring, which we will follow on our return journey. The path passes close by the Pedregosa farmhouse and continues (the path becomes unclear in parts) along the main terrace and comes back to the Font de Minfami path next to a set of cypress trees (10) planted by the owner as a welcoming avenue to the farmhouse. From this point onwards the path descends towards the Rogerals and crosses the Figuera path again (7). Follow the same way you came now back to el Lloar.