From tree to table

Discover our experience

From the tree to the table: visit the olive trees and follow the whole process of producing the oil, with a tasting at the end.

Come and discover our members' Arbequina olive groves. We'll show you how the farmers work their land, what olive varieties are grown in the Priorat and what the differences between them are.

Weather permitting, you can take part in picking the olives.

Naturally, all this is accompanied by a country breakfast: bread with tomato, cured meats and a porró - a traditional flask of wine!

Next we'll take a look at the journey the olives go on, and at the facilities in the old mill and the new one to see how oil-making has changed.

The activity ends with a tasting and an explanation of the different types of olive oil, rounded off with a taste of our Ètim extra virgin olive oil.

What is included?
  • Country breakfast among olive trees

  • Olive Oil tasting

  • Harvest activity

  • Visit to the old mill and the new mill at the cooperative in Marçà

Basic Information

During the olive-picking season

Third weekend in November

December long weekend (6-8 December)

Look up dates on the website.

3 h

20 €

Children age 3 - 18: 12 € 

Children under 3: free

Advance booking
Advance booking necessary
Adreça de l'activitat

C/ de Dalt, 74

Capacitat mínima
1 persones

La Cooperativa de Falset Marçà és una empresa productora de vi, vermut, oli i fruits secs.

En les seves activitats d’enoturisme es poden visitar les seves instal·lacions, tant el celler modernista, com el molí vell de Marçà i la seu de la producció convencional d’oli actual, el Molí de la Mola, instal·lacions compartides amb altres cooperatives del Priorat.

617 929 018