One had to, as they said then, flee our rural lifestyle. This was the common thought, accepted virtually by everyone. We were no exception and took heed of our parents’ advice and left to start our respective liberal professions away from our birthplace. Things went well, we got established and then, one fine day, many years later, we discovered that Barcelona was not the place for us and it wasn’t the place where we wanted to live. There were so many things that we missed from our old lives in the villages of Priorat County! There were so many in fact that we decided to buy a return ticket to our origins, much to the surprise and chagrin of our family!
Our project when we returned to Priorat was called Mas d’en Rafel - a 46 hectare (113 acres) estate, half of which is woodland due to it being slowly abandoned over the last fifty years.
DO Montsant
- Solpost (blanc)
- Solpost (negre)
- Solpost (rosat)
- Solpost Origen (negre)
- Joana (negre)
- Xavi (negre)
- Blanca (blanc)
· Direct sale at the Sant Rafel winery (Pradell de la Teixeta)
Ctra. La Torre, Km 1,7