The Orto vineyards are located in the municipality of El Masroig, in the Priorat region, protected under the Montsant Denomination of Origin. They cover almost 30 hectares; spread over 25 plots, mostly of Cargnan and Grenache, the traditional varieties of the area. We also cultivate Tempranillo (known in Catalan as Ull de Llebre, which means “hare eye”), and a very special Picapoll Negre.
We have an extremely valuable heritage of old vines, such as the pre-philoxeric Picapoll at Les Tallades vineyard, Velvety Grenache at El Palell vineyard, Carignan at La Carrerada vineyard and Tempranillo at Les Pujoles vineyard.
Located on gentle slopes, valley bottoms and hillsides, facing south and between 50 and 300 meters above sea level, Orto vineyards are mostly found on calcareous soils where sandy loam and clay predominate. To a lesser extent, we also have vineyards in silt, gravel and slate soils.
Plantation density does not exceed 6,500 vines per hectare, most of which are goblet-trained vines, following traditional techniques, using organic and biodynamic methods, in harmony with the natural environment.
DO Montsant
- Les Argiles d'Orto (blanc)
- Les Argiles d'Orto (negre)
- Les Argiles d'Orto (rosat)
- Blanc d'orto (blanc)
- Blanc d'Orto Brisat (blanc)
- Orto (negre)
- Les Comes d'Orto (negre)
- La Coma d'Orto d'en Genís (negre)
- Dolç d'Orto (blanc)
- Dolç d'Orto (negre)
- Vi ranci Clàssic
- La Carrerada (negre)
- Les Pujoles (negre)
- Les Tallades de Cal Nicolau (negre)
- Palell (negre)
· Direct sale at the Orto Vins winery (Masroig)
Pg. de l’Arbre, s/n