Ajuntament de la Morera de Montsant
Plaça del Priorat, 6
43361 La Morera de Montsant Tarragona
Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Located in the north-east of the Priorat, beneath the cliffs of the Serra Major, the backbone of the Montsant massif.
The village has got a few restaurants, a wine shop and a shop specialized in olive oil and other gourmet foods.
The main place of interest is the Carthusian Monastery of Santa Maria d’Scala Dei, which now belongs to the Catalan government. The monastery was founded in the 12th century by King Alfons the Chaste of Catalonia, and was the first of its order on the Iberian Peninsula. It was the prior and his domains that gave the name first to the so-called "historic" Priorat and then the whole county. Expanded several times during its existence, the monastery was finally abandoned in 1835, with the disestablishment of the Spanish religious orders.
The ruined monastery is open to the public. A cell restored in 1998 and allows visitors to see how the monks in this community really lived. In 2013 other restoration works took place allowing the visitors to see a small cloister and chapels around it and the refectory.
The village can be reached from Reus on the C-242 till the restaurant la Venta d'en Puvill and then the T-702 (via Poboleda); from Cornudella on the TV-701, then take a small metalled road to get to it.