Ajuntament de la Morera de Montsant
Plaça del Priorat, 6
43361 La Morera de Montsant Tarragona
Opening hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Parc Natural de la Serra de Montsant [Montsant Natural Park]
Pl. de la Bassa, 1
Tel.: (+34) 977 827 310
Email: pnmontsant@gencat.cat
Web: http://parcsnaturals.gencat.cat/ca/serra-montsant
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday.: 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Located in the north-east of the Priorat, beneath the cliffs of the Serra Major, the backbone of the Montsant massif.
It has a multipurpose hall, swimming pool, sports ground, leisure areas, the seat of the Parc Natural de la Serra de Montsant (natural park), hostel-restaurant, holiday apartment, mountain shelter, restaurant, bar-restaurant, and a farm shop.
Its wines belong to the DO Priorat. Almonds, hazelnuts and olives are also grown in the municipality. Typical local dishes include “sopa de brosses” (a soup with meatballs), potato with cod, esqueixada (salt cod salad) and roast chicken.
The village festivity takes place from 8th to 11th September, to commemorate the Nativity of Our Lady, with dances, theatre and other activities.
Places of interest include the parish church, with a Romanesque doorway dedicated to the Nativity of Our Lady, and the Mas de Sant Blai, a large farmhouse on the site of the former convent of Bonrepòs.
Natural attractions include various "graus", the spectacular paths and scrambles that scale the cliffs of the Montsant: the Grau dels Barrots, Grau del Carabassal, Grau del Carrasclet, Grau de l’Agnet, Grau de l’Espinós, Grau de la Grallera and Grau de Salfores, among others.
The hamlet of Scala Dei lies within the municipality of La Morera de Montsant, of which it forms part.
The village can be reached from Cornudella on the TV-701, and from Scala Dei on a small metalled road.