Ajuntament de Torroja del Priorat
C/ Major, 31
43737 Torroja del Priorat Tarragona
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
In the centre of the county, in the middle of the valley of the river Siurana, lies Torroja del Priorat; a village perched on a hill (Coll de la Serra) to the left of the river.
Sports ground, Swimming pool, multipurpose hall, recreation area, the Joan Pàmies museum (a private museum of farming tools and winemaking equipment), the seat of the DOC Priorat regulatory council, rural accommodations, holiday apartments and a restaurant.
The Jocs Florals, a literary competition, is held on the Saturday before the second Sunday in May. It features poets from all over the Catalan-speaking lands. The main village festivity is held on 29th September, Saint Michael's day. Every Summer the Catalan organ season includes a concert at the parish church of Sant Miquel (St. Michael), which has an 18th-century organ built by Jean Pierre Cavaillé.
The Joan Pàmies museum has a very interesting private collection of agricultural tools and winemaking equipment. To arrange a visit call 606 915 783.
The parish church of Sant Miquel (St. Michael) has a Baroque organ built by Jean Pierre Cavaller in the 18th century, considered one of the historic organs of Catalonia.
Also of note are the streets of this picturesque village, paved with pebbles from the river Siurana.
It can be reached by road from Falset via the T-710 as far as Gratallops, and then along the T-711; from Reus on the N-420 then the TP-7402 (via Porrera) and the T-7403; from Cornudella de Montsant on the C-242 and then the T-7402 (to Porrera) and after that on the T-7403.