During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) the administration building of the "Mina Loussa" mine housed a school of the CENU [Consell de l'Escola Nova Unificada, "Council of the New Unified School"] that participated in the spectacular process of educational renovation promoted by the regional government of Catalonia, and that achieved a quality education for all. The centre offers a recreated classroom and documents dedicated to this important episode of Catalan history.
During the Battle of the Ebro (July - November 1938) the Loussa mine of El Molar housed a hospital of the Spanish Republican Army directed by Dr. Miquel Gras. Hundreds of wounded soldiers were treated at the centre. The exhibition remembers the epic of the Republican health system during the battle, the efforts of the physicians and medical staff, and it remembers the wounded soldiers who survived and the around one hundred who died at the hospital.
The interpretation centre's showcases and set designs hold, with more than 300 original pieces, the biggest and most complete collection of war surgery and medicine in Southern Europe. The interpretation centre is an impressive and essential showcase for connecting and getting to know this extraordinary material heritage.
The centre works with a lot of audiovisual means. Three specific productions, inserted in set designs, explain the daily life of a hospital and a school during the Spanish Civil War. A big audiovisual production on a large screen takes you inside the epic of the Ebro battle and the efforts of the hospitals of the Republican army.
Temporarily closed
Opening Times:
Saturday: 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. and 4:00-7:00 p.m.
Sundays and public holidays: 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Group visits: after advance booking from Tuesday to Friday
Educational offer: workshop "“Vida quotidiana a la Guerra Civil” (daily life during the Civil War). Aimed at older primary and secondary school students.
Ajuntament del Molar, c/ Marquès de Tamarit, 1