Itinerary 1: Falset - Coll Guix - La Torre de Fontaubella - Falset


26.00 km
844 m
1 h 30 min - 2 h 30 min
99 %

This route starts in Falset and follows on towards Mola de Colldejou mountain and the Llaberia mountain range. There are steep climbs, especially towards the Coll del Guix, where the terrain also makes progress through the wooded areas difficult.  There are some parts on the descent towards the village of La Torre de Fontaubella, where we must dismount. 

In general, the terrain is good, with the exception of some loose stones in the case of the path which leads to the village of  La Torre de Fontaubella. This village is also worth a visit.

This route is not sign-posted

Route description 

  • Km 0.- Leave Falset from square near primary school (Escoles) and head towards village of Marçà
  • Km 1,2.- Take track on left from main road
  • Km 3,9.- On main road, turn left towards village of La Torre de Fontaubella. 300m on metalled road.
  • Km 4,2.- Leave the main road and take track on right signed La Mola de Colldejou.
  • Km 4,39.- Follow cobbled track on left (some difficulty here with bicycles). Start of gentle hill.
  • Km 8,50.- Cross dry river bed and straight on to steep climb towards Coll del Guix, hard ramps in 1km.
  • Km 9,60.- At Coll del Guix start downward climb towards village of Colldejou
  • Km 12,90.- Once in Colldejou, where water bottles can be filled, cross village to reach main road. Follow uphill towards Coll dels molins (windmill ridge) 
  • Km 16,50.- Leave main road and follow track on right hand side (do not confuse with wide track going downhill). Some parts hard to cycle.
  • Km 18.- Once La Torre de Fontaubella is reached, the route follows the main road and then the same track used from Falset.
  • Km 22,50.- Turn right along track which we used to reach Coll del Guix.
  • Km 25.- Return to road and follow directions to Falset
  • Km 26,17.- Return to starting point.