In 2002 we started an enthusiastic project with one objective: develop biodynamic wines that reflect the subtlety and the nature of a land. This dream, that remains intact to this day, began as a small family winery dedicated to the creation of wines with their own identity based in respect, sustainability and the knowledge of past generations.
Finca la Plana, s/n
43360 Cornudella de Montsant Tarragona
A selection of 4 wines among:
Cap de Ruc Aperitiu Vi de Cirera
Cap de Ruc Chardonnay (young white)
Cap de Ruc Garnatxa Blanca (semi-aged white)
Cap de Ruc Carinyena (10-month-aged red)
Cap de Ruc Vi de Guarda (aged red)
Vins i Llegendes (aged red)
Giral Vinyes Velles Negre (aged red)
Cap de Ruc Dolç (sweet wine)
Same-day booking
Monday - Friday: 10:00 a.m. + 12:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday: 10:30 a.m. + 11:30 a.m.
Open also during the harvest (Sept./Oct.)
1/1, Easter Monday, 25-26/12, 31/12
2 min./15 max.
vineyard tour and wine tasting: 15 €
"author wines" tour: 20 €
"great selection" tour: 50 €
2 h - 3 h
English / Catalan / Spanish
Included in price